local devices not accessible via deco M4 WiFi (3d-printer, rasp pi, pico pi)
I have local devices that I want to access via local WiFi (with 3x Deco M4's) , but I cannot get it to work. The devices are not visible, can not be pinged and do not respond, even though they are connected to the wifi and have an IP-address.
I have this issue now with my Elegoo 3D printer, a raspberry pi and a raspberry pico pi. 3D printer is now connected via ethernet, then it works fine, I can access it via laptop or phone connected to the LAN via wifi. Same for the raspberry pi, if I wire it to the network it works fine.
I tested the pico pi via a hotspot-wifi on my mobile phone, with my laptop also connected to this hotspot. pico pi is responding directly to the web-request from my laptop, so the software is working.
Is there some security setting in Deco that is preventing my devices to respond? Is there a way around this?
Hope someone can help me with this, getting quite annoyed tbh...
thank you!