Parental Controls not visible in Tether or tplinkwifi net
Parental Controls not visible in Tether or tplinkwifi net
#Parental Control
Objective: Set parental controls on select devices
- As per the user guide (1910013190_Archer C80(US)_UG_V1) and the support FAQ (
- User guide is saying parental controls can be viewed in the "Tools" Section of the Tether App, or in the "Advanced" Section in the tplinkwifi net website
- None of these mentioned options are available in either Tether or the website.
- The only options in Tether App Tools are the following:
- Quick Setup
- Wireless
- IoT Network
- Guest Network
- Share WiFi
- LED Control
- Operation Mode
- System
- Parental Controls are not available in any option in tplinkwifi, and do not appear when searched.
Additional Information:
- Router is set up in Access Point mode
1 Accepted Solution