network problems after upgrade

network problems after upgrade

network problems after upgrade
network problems after upgrade
2024-02-27 21:15:00
Model: Deco S7  
Hardware Version: V1
Firmware Version: 1.4.5 Build 20231128 Rel. 64440
Hi, after having done the recent firmware update proposed for my DECO S7 network I am experiencing frequent stability problems with the mesh network. I have 6 decos, until the update everything worked fine, but now I have two decos that disconnect from the other decos frequently for 5/10 minutes, normally these two decos are connected with a good signal (2/3 or 3/3) . The network is configured in wifi router mode. I tried restarting the decos several times and optimizing the network but nothing changed. I report the network diagram, the disconnecting decoders are "Salottino" and "Mansarda". Some idea? Do I need to downgrade the firmware? Thank you.

3 Reply
Re:network problems after upgrade
2024-02-28 00:10:23


Based on the network diagram in the Deco App, there are two things to consider while troubleshooting


"Sallotino" has a weaker connection than your other satellites connected to the Main. This may be the result of new interference, or the range between the devices

"Mansarda" while listed as having a strong connection, is connected wirelessly to the second node "Sallotino" - forcing the connection to Daisy Chain.


This means that when Sallotino is disconnected from the network, "Mansarda" and all the devices connected to both nodes will need to reconfigure their connection back to the main network or wait for the signal to return.


- Try bringing Sollatino closer to the main node and then look for stability improvements, otherwise

- Try Swapping the Mansarda and Sollatino to see if the same devices disconnect, or if it is only the devices connected to the satellite, which is daisy chained.

Re:network problems after upgrade
2024-02-28 07:59:14


Thanks for the reply. Why do you say that "salottino" has the worst signal? It has 2/3 while for example "piano terra esterno" has 1/3 but it never disconnects. Furthermore, it seems to me a strange coincidence that after the firmware update this problem began to occur, nothing changed at home. However I will try to exchange the two decos, unfortunately I can't bring them closer. Thank you.

Re:network problems after upgrade
2024-04-17 15:05:30




I see that this is an old thread, but my Decos (tri-band axe5400/xe75 and xe5300) just updated firmware this morning ... and my daisy chained unit will no longer daisy chain - only joining as part of a star to the very distant main node.  This is much like @frayber 's issue of his mixed star/daisy chain network becoming star-only and his remote units no longer connecting.  It sounds like his/her issue never got resolved?


I'm usinm the 6G frequency for backhaul... broadcasting 2.5 and 5g on my main network and 2.5g only on my guest network.


I have 5 Deco units that for months were happily (no screenshot before firmware update):

4 units in a star configuration from main unit (Garage)

1 unit that was daisy chained to one of the stars...down a long hallway - twice the distance of the stars from the main.

(The distance between the main, the star and what was daisy chained is identical and worked perfectly.)


Nothing I try will restore this one node to being daisy chained vs attempting to reach the distant main node.  It set itself up properly out of the box with the original firmware.


How can I force "Foyer" to reconnect to "Office" instead of "Garage" the way things were prior to the firmware update?




