Deco M5, low speed experience
I have just updated my internet connection to a 1000/1000, previously I had a 70/70 connection.
I am experiencing very low download speed on my Decos.
I just did a test with the following result using my laptop:
Cabled (cat 6) directly from the fiber box: 863 Mbps
Cabled (cat 6) from the main Deco: 785 Mbps
Wifi, connected to the main Deco: 364 Mbps
Wifi, connected to satellite Deco: 110 Mbps
I have tried moving my satellite Decos so now there are very good connection between them (3 green lines/dots)
I have set QoS to 1000/1000 and removed any devices with high priority
I have deactivated SIP ALG and UPNP
I have tried both 5 and 2.4 ghz network, with no real difference between them.
It is not a possibility for me to cable my satellite Decos.
We live in a rural area hence there are no interference.
What else can I do ? I am a bit surprised that incresasing my connection more than ten-fold only gives me additional 40 Mpbs on my satellite deco.