Unable to unbind tplink ddns address after resetting the router
So i have been using the router for linking the **********.tplinkdns.com (will be called A address below) before, and it had been completely frozen which lead me to do a whole reset on the router.
the problem is after the reset, i am unable to unbind it, so i am unable to get it binded with the old address i had used before.
on the hope of hoping it get unbinded automatically, i have been created another address **********.tplinkdns.com( will be called as B address below), but i had noticed that the A address does actually have binding to my ip address which hasn't been changed by the ISP for a long time.
the problem is, my IP address finally got changed, and i am completely locked out from using that address.
Is there anyway to manually unbind it? or is there a page to see addresses associated to my account? (since i have multiple routers )