Two (Multiple) ISP and Mesh network (M5)
I have two decos in my current Mesh network.
Now, I have two ISP. First, I plugged both ISP in the same main deco device, it didn't boosted my internet speed (as I didn't expect as well), BUT, there was something interesting that I noticed after unplugged the first ISP, the led turned red and a few seconds later, it was green again (As I can assume that it got internet access from the second ISP). Did I get it right (did it worked as failover)? Is this type of configuration risky to use?
Second point, I want to create two networks for each ISP, I would like to know how I could achieve that reducing the number of decos device. I tried to use the create new wifi, but it seems that is necessary another main device for that, did I get right? I think this is just a software feature to group your local MESH networks... I was expecting to have the ability for creating N wifi networks...
So, I do need to buy another deco, to be the main device for the second ISP, and then, I could use any of the other already existent device to manage traffic? Or is it something complete from zero, in other words, is it required to create a new MESH network from zero (there won't be any relationship or gain between the already existent Mesh network)?