Phone drops internet connection when idling for a bit, WiFi remains connected.
As said in the topic. I've had the new router for two weeks. Things are fine when I'm continuously using my phone, but if I put it down for a bit its internet connection just quietly drops and no emails/messages come through.
Once I turn off the phone WiFi and turn it back on, messages and notifications flood in.
It's very annoying and I'm not sure how to fix it. Any help appreciated. Thanks.
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What is the brand and OS of the phone you are experiencing this issue? It seems there is a similar report here when an iPhone 13 Pro max and iPad get locked, they will disconnect from the internet. As replied there, I don't think this is related to the router, but the phone itself.
Will the issue happen if you connect the phone to another wireless network?
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Hi, thanks for replying. I'm using an android phone on Android 12. The phone model is a Samsung S10e.
I haven't had any similar issues with other routers in the past, so I'm inclined to think that the router is at least partially responsible.
Unlike the other thread, the problem isn't specifically triggered by locking the screen, but is just a vague amount of inactivity.
I rebooted the router and the problem improved substantially, but seems to deteriorate again over time, which might give some clue towards the nature of the issue.
Thanks for the response again.
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Oh, I see. Sorry for pointing to the wrong topic then.
How about other devices, laptops, or phones? Are they connected to the internet fine all the time? If you search online, you will find a lot of topics about Samsung phone disconnect issues, but I also agree that there might be something that needs to be reviewed on the router side.
Please test: if you disable the Wi-Fi connection on the phone completely, and only leave the mobile data on, then leave the phone idle to observe if you can still get the internet. If not, then there is nothing to do with the router.
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Thanks for the response.
The problem doesn't repeat with mobile network. Other devices (laptop, TV) connected to don't seem to have the same problem, but my Amazon Echo seems to experience quite a bit of lag on video calls that's not typical even on slower networks.
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Just reporting back after a while. Turning OneMesh on and off didn't change the situation. However, since things seem to improve when I restart the router, I've set it to reset every night at 5am.
The problem has essentially disappeared since then due to the daily resets. It's somewhat of a stopgap measure, but not too bad.
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Good to know that.
BTW, I believe you mean auto reboot, but not auto reset. You set a schedule to reboot or restart the router automatically, right? That may help in some cases I believe.
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