Am I misunderstanding QoS, or does it just not work?
So I recently got a VR2100 V1, in the UK. I thought the QoS feature would help alleviate my problems of ping spikes whenever somebody is streaming or downloading. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be the case.
Upload speed: 20mbps
Download speed: 80mbps
Even when the network isn't saturated, I get constant ping spikes if my brother is watching a livestream (we are both connected via powerline, is that matters?) or if my parents are watching Netflix. I have tried every combination of settings possible, as well as falsely limiting the bandwidthe as to trick the router into thinking it needs to distribute it. Again, this doesn't seem to affect anything at all. I cannot tell the difference if QoS is on or off, I swear it just does absolutely nothing. I'm sad to see that TP-Link have removed the bandwidth allocation feature, which is beyond me. I'm really disappointed with the router, to be honest.