AX73 - cant connect WiFi printer - HELP
Iv got brand new AX73, and little old Samsung Xpress M2020W. On my old router Asus RT-AC66U everything was fine. Now cant connect prinetr to wifi. Even if i separate 2.4G and 5G, networks. Even if mannually put 2.4G to 20mhz wide, seciurity to WPA2-PSK / AES. Still gets connection error - wrong security acces. Ofc i put always correct password. Sometimes, gots error like Overall connection error. Ofc, trying connect to AX73 wifi network using printer on USB. Tried also on SyncThru web service, on direct connect, buts its slowly, and gets only connection error message.
Please help. Meabe its old printer but really dont need new, that one is enought.