
WAN/LAN auto-sensing


WAN/LAN auto-sensing

251 Reply
Re:WAN/LAN auto-sensing
2024-06-09 17:55:21

  @TP-Link I see it's been years now and this problem hasn't been resolved nor even barely acknowledged.  Any user feedback here has fallen on deaf ears with no response.  I'm now looking for a new mesh router setup for my home and because of what I have witnessed here, TP-Link will never be in consideration.  I'm sure this will fall on deaf ears as well, but you honestly have lost a customer because of this unresolved issue and lack of communication.  

Re:WAN/LAN auto-sensing
2024-06-09 19:39:39

  @chaybee1 you are not alone. 
they lost me - and I will not consider tplink network products

for any system because of the complete arrogance and stupidity shown by the company on this issue. 

For any one with any home based services (home automation or local streaming or similar) this situation is completely unacceptable. 

I have started replacing my system with open-wrt based routers and access points - leaving decos in places I can afford to loose service. They will also be binned over time - and tplink will NEVER be considered as a source for their replacement.  

appalling customer service by TP-Link

Any Beta firmware available for Deco P9?
2024-06-19 09:11:12 - last edited 2024-06-19 12:18:57

@TP-Link - since I invested into 5 P9 units, and missed the return window, I wouldn't mind doing some beta testing...


Is there a beta firmware release available for Deco P9?


- Ability to select signal source would be a good start.

- Network optimization in Advanced Settings (i.e. automatic shifting of 2.4/5G channels to a less congested one, like the E4R has) would be a close runner-up.

- Support for DFS channels would be great.


I'm currently running a six month old build (1.1.5 Build 20231229 Rel. 36756) - not impressed...

RE:WAN/LAN auto-sensing
2024-06-23 22:31:30
Just fix this already
RE:WAN/LAN auto-sensing
2024-06-24 12:53:01
I need to use my LAN without internet
RE:WAN/LAN auto-sensing
2024-06-25 12:05:56
XE75 same problem.
Re:WAN/LAN auto-sensing
2024-06-25 12:59:42


I go to ASUS, tp_link does not solve the problems.I throw this scrap called XE75 3pcs into the river. Never again tp_link. F..k you

Re:WAN/LAN auto-sensing
2024-06-25 13:05:43 - last edited 2024-06-25 13:08:09

  @Jikra funnily, I have just moved from ASUS to TP-link for exactly the same reason - their RT-AX92U mesh was randomly switching WiFi off completely on one of the nodes and after multiple lengthy investigations they just said sorry we can't fix it, and by the way you're out of warranty so ... your problem. 

In contrast, TP-Link support have arranged a TeamViewer session with me, uploaded engineering firmware into my BE85 Deco and fixed the top port to be WAN. Now awaiting for this option to be exposed in the app. 

Re:WAN/LAN auto-sensing
2024-06-27 14:33:54


Estou enfrentando um problema recorrente com meu sistema mesh Deco X50, que consiste em duas unidades. Após a reinicialização programada do roteador ou uma queda de energia, as portas LAN em ambas as unidades Deco ficam desativadas, tornando-as inutilizáveis. Isso é extremamente frustrante, principalmente considerando o alto custo desses dispositivos e o fato de serem anunciados com três portas LAN.

É decepcionante que a TP-Link permita que esse problema persista, pois limita significativamente a funcionalidade do sistema Deco X50 e interrompe a conectividade de rede dos dispositivos conectados. Tentei várias etapas de solução de problemas, incluindo atualização de firmware, redefinição de dispositivos para os padrões de fábrica e verificação de conexões de cabos, mas o problema persiste.

Solicito gentilmente que a TP-Link investigue este assunto minuciosamente e forneça uma solução permanente para resolver este problema. É essencial que o sistema Deco X50 mantenha uma funcionalidade consistente da porta LAN, especialmente após reinicializações do roteador ou cortes de energia.

**Detalhes adicionais:**

* Versão do firmware Deco X50: 1.2.0
* Versão tvOS no Apple TV 4K: 17.5.1
* Tentei usar cabos Ethernet diferentes para descartar problemas relacionados a cabos.

Espero que a TP-Link leve esse problema a sério e forneça uma solução imediata. Agradeço sua atenção a este assunto.


Re:WAN/LAN auto-sensing
2024-06-27 14:34:52
I'm experiencing a recurring issue with my Deco X50 mesh system, consisting of two units. After the router's scheduled reboot or a power outage, the LAN ports on both Deco units become disabled, rendering them unusable. This is extremely frustrating, especially considering the high cost of these devices and the fact that they are advertised with three LAN ports. It's disappointing that TP-Link allows this issue to persist, as it significantly limits the functionality of the Deco X50 system and disrupts network connectivity for connected devices. I've tried various troubleshooting steps, including updating firmware, resetting devices to factory defaults, and checking cable connections, but the problem persists. I kindly request that TP-Link investigate this matter thoroughly and provide a permanent solution to address this issue. It's essential for the Deco X50 system to maintain consistent LAN port functionality, especially after router reboots or power outages. Additional details: Deco X50 firmware version: 1.2.0 tvOS version on Apple TV 4K: 17.5.1 I've tried using different Ethernet cables to rule out cable-related issues. I hope TP-Link will take this issue seriously and provide a prompt resolution. I appreciate your attention to this matter. Sincerely,

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