Orange - AX11000 - TV fails each night

My IPS is Orange. Location is Poland
I've connected it very well within Orange configuration for both VLAN & IPTV.
But each night it needs to be reset by migrating cables from ISP router to Your's.
Is there any way to fix it? Orange don't have knowledge to inform client how to connect TV (for them it's not possible ;-P), so if You've any idea, please let me know.
Maybe router resets it's settings?
I don't know why it fails, but when I connect to Orange router it connects, than switch to AX11000 and it works, only at night it goes back to not working status.
Maybe auto reboot is enabled? But I cannot find this setting.
Best reagrds from Poland
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We would like to confirm some details about the settings on the router, then we will work it out together:
1. Is the network layout like Orange modem router---(WAN) AX11000 (LAN)---TV? What is the WAN connection type on the AX11000, and how about the WAN IP address, what is it?
2. When the TV fails, how about the LED status on the AX11000, is it white or orange/red? Do you still have internet access on other devices, such as phone or laptop which is connected to the AX11000 wireless?
3. Can we confirm the detailed VLAN or IPTV settings on the AX11000? Which LAN port is configured as IPTV port, and how about the VLAN ID?
4. Can you please confirm how did you perform this 'each night it needs to be reset by migrating cables from ISP router to Your's."?
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1. Exactly, I cannot connect to decoder. Better to use WAN, but I'm not sur how to redirects VLAN tags to WiFi.
2. White. Internet works always and as fast as he can, but TV not works. Internet works on all other services (PS5, PC, Mobile).
3. Settings are present here:
Internet VLAN ID = 35, priority = 0
Tag 802.1Q = 1
VLAN VoIP ID = 51, priority = 0
IPTV VLAN ID = 838, priority = 4
IPTV Multicast VLAN ID = 839, priority = 5
Redirects to LAN8.
All works even multicast date or other settings on decoder, something is wrong with VLAN 838.
If You need, I can sent all of the logs of router to analyse why Orange in Poland require their shitty router.
PS. I've talked with Orange, they said it's security. So, if they use some kind of security to disable it on non-orange routers, is there any chance to win with them to sent proper configuration?
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Did you enable the auto-reboot schedule on the AX11000 router? Please check the settings on the web interface, try to disable it, then confirm if the IPTV still disconnects: (Page 99)
Just to confirm again, do you mean the issue happened every night at the same time? Or it happens randomly at night? Did you watch TV at daytime? I'm wondering if the issue also occurred at daytime, but you were not aware of it because you didn't watch TV at that time?
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# apr/13/2021 18:41:08 by RouterOS 6.49beta27 # # model = RB750Gr3 /interface bridge ### local-network, czyli moj LAN skladajacy sie z 2 podsieci 192.168.1.x (zaufane urzadzenia - kazde przypisane ma static IP) oraz 192.168.2.x (urzadzenia bez dostepu do zaufanych zasobow sieciowych - automatycznie przydzielone z DHCP oraz static uznane jako niezaufane) add name=local-network ### bridge VOD + IPTV (podpatrzone w ktoryms z postow) add igmp-snooping=yes name=orange-iptv /interface ethernet ### w uproszczeniu - eth1 wyjscie na swiat, eth2, eth4 i eth5 - lokalna sieć, eth3 - podpiety switch Cisco SG250, na ktorym do jednego z portow podlaczony jest Samsung ICU100 (port ustawiony jako Access Port dla VLAN 100), na reszcie portow lokalna sieć (bez tagowania) ### jesli dekoder podlaczony jest bezposrednio do routera, to powinna wystarczyc podmiana wystapien "vlan-orange-local-100" na "eth3-salon" set [ find default-name=ether1 ] name=eth1-wan set [ find default-name=ether2 ] name=eth2-biuro set [ find default-name=ether3 ] name=eth3-salon set [ find default-name=ether4 ] name=eth4-sypialnia set [ find default-name=ether5 ] name=eth5-sypialnia-dzieci /interface vlan ### VLANy Orange add interface=eth1-wan mtu=1492 name=vlan-orange vlan-id=35 add interface=eth1-wan name=vlan-orange-tv vlan-id=839 add interface=eth1-wan name=vlan-orange-vod vlan-id=838 ### oraz VLAN na potrzeby komunikacji dekodera z "Funboxem" add interface=eth3-salon name=vlan-orange-local-100 vlan-id=100 /interface pppoe-client add add-default-route=yes disabled=no interface=vlan-orange keepalive-timeout=disabled max-mtu=1492 name=pppoe-orange use-peer-dns=yes < wprowadzic usera i haslo do PPPoE > /interface list add name=WAN add name=LAN add name=IPTV /ip dhcp-client option add code=60 name=vendor-class-identifier value="'sagemcom'" ### w miejsce aabbccddeeff wprowadz adres MAC Funboxa add code=61 name=dhcp-client-identifier value=0x01aabbccddeeff < w miejsce aabbccddeeff wprowadz adres MAC Funboxa > ### user-class wymagane do pobrania IP z VLANu Orange - ponizsza wartosc jest tylko dla Funbox 6! add code=77 name=user-class value="0x2546535644534c5f66756e626f782e4d4c54562e736f66746174686f6d652e46756e626f7836" /ip pool ### pula dla nowych i niezaufanych urzadzen add name=dhcp ranges= ### pula na potrzeby dekodera add name=orange-tv ranges= /ip dhcp-server ### standardowy DHCP dla sieci lokalnej add add-arp=yes address-pool=dhcp always-broadcast=yes disabled=no interface= local-network lease-time=3h name=defconf ### DHCP dla dekodera dzialajacy na VLAN100 add address-pool=orange-tv disabled=no interface=vlan-orange-local-100 lease-time=3h name=dhcp-iptv /interface bridge filter ### ustawianie priorytetow dla pakietow wychodzacych dla VOD i IPTV add action=set-priority chain=output new-priority=4 out-interface= vlan-orange-tv passthrough=yes add action=set-priority chain=output new-priority=4 out-interface= vlan-orange-vod passthrough=yes /interface bridge port ### standardowy bridge dla LAN add bridge=local-network comment=defconf interface=eth2-biuro add bridge=local-network comment=defconf interface=eth3-salon add bridge=local-network comment=defconf interface=eth4-sypialnia add bridge=local-network comment=defconf interface=eth5-sypialnia-dzieci ### bridge dla VLAN838 i 839 add bridge=orange-iptv interface=vlan-orange-tv add bridge=orange-iptv interface=vlan-orange-vod /interface bridge settings set use-ip-firewall=yes use-ip-firewall-for-vlan=yes /interface list member add interface=local-network list=LAN add interface=eth1-wan list=WAN add interface=pppoe-orange list=WAN ### interfejsy na potrzeby IPTV add interface=orange-iptv list=IPTV add interface=vlan-orange-local-100 list=IPTV /ip address ### adres dla sieci zaufanych urzadzen add address= comment=defconf interface=eth2-biuro network= ### dla niezaufanych add address= interface=eth2-biuro network= ### i dla dekodera na VLAN100 add address= interface=vlan-orange-local-100 network= /ip dhcp-client ### zabawe w wywalenie Funboxa zaczalbym od sprawdzenia, czy ponizszy klient DHCP dostaje adres IP add add-default-route=special-classless default-route-distance=210 dhcp-options= hostname,dhcp-client-identifier,vendor-class-identifier,user-class disabled=no interface=orange-iptv use-peer-ntp=no /ip dhcp-server lease ### statyczna lista zaufanych urzadzen # add address= comment="Raspberry PI 4" mac-address=E4:5F:01:XX:XX:XX server=defconf ### ... i niezaufanych # add address= comment="M5 Stack" mac-address=8C:AA:B5:XX:XX:XX server=defconf /ip dhcp-server network add address= comment=defconf gateway= netmask=24 add address= gateway= add address= gateway= netmask=24 /ip dns set allow-remote-requests=yes servers=, /ip dns static add address= name=router.lan /ip firewall address-list ### lista dla niezaufanych urzadzen add address= list=guest ### i dla zaufanych add address= list=internal /ip firewall filter add action=accept chain=input comment= "defconf: accept established,related,untracked" connection-state= established,related,untracked add action=drop chain=input comment="defconf: drop invalid" connection-state= invalid add action=accept chain=input comment="defconf: accept ICMP" protocol=icmp ### IPTV -> input add action=accept chain=input comment="Accept incoming IPTV" in-interface-list=IPTV add action=drop chain=input comment="defconf: drop all not coming from LAN" in-interface-list=!LAN add action=accept chain=forward comment="defconf: accept in ipsec policy" ipsec-policy=in,ipsec add action=accept chain=forward comment="defconf: accept out ipsec policy" ipsec-policy=out,ipsec ### wyciecie komunikacji miedzy niezaufanymi a zaufanymi urzadzeniami add action=drop chain=forward dst-address-list=internal src-address-list=guest add action=fasttrack-connection chain=forward comment="defconf: fasttrack" connection-state=established,related add action=accept chain=forward comment= "defconf: accept established,related, untracked" connection-state=established,related,untracked ### reguly firewalla wziete z forum add action=accept chain=forward in-interface=vlan-orange-local-100 out-interface=pppoe-orange ### wylaczone, bo chyba niepotrzebne? add action=accept chain=forward disabled=yes in-interface= vlan-orange-local-100 out-interface=orange-iptv ### reguly firewalla wziete z forum add action=accept chain=forward in-interface=orange-iptv out-interface=vlan-orange-local-100 ### wylaczone, bo chyba niepotrzebne? add action=accept chain=forward connection-state=established,related disabled=yes in-interface=orange-iptv ### reguly firewalla wziete z forum add action=drop chain=forward in-interface-list=IPTV add action=drop chain=forward comment="defconf: drop invalid" connection-state=invalid add action=drop chain=forward comment="defconf: drop all from WAN not DSTNATed" connection-nat-state=!dstnat connection-state=new in-interface-list=WAN /ip firewall nat add action=masquerade chain=srcnat comment="defconf: masquerade" ipsec-policy=out,none out-interface-list=WAN add action=masquerade chain=srcnat out-interface=orange-iptv /ip ssh set allow-none-crypto=yes forwarding-enabled=remote /routing igmp-proxy set quick-leave=yes /routing igmp-proxy interface add alternative-subnets= interface=orange-iptv upstream=yes add alternative-subnets= interface=vlan-orange-local-100
From our wireless board I've found working configuration for this type of router.
Can You sent me how to configure AX11000 within this config? But I don't want new network (, which is unsecure. I want only one sub network (, and one cabel to decoder. That's all, all other connection should be passed through WiFi.
To achieve that they use:
- Mikrotik RB750Gr3
- Cisco SG250-08
I need to buy Cisco SG250-08 to setup like this config, but how to use this comments?
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Just to verify again, did the issue happen every night at the same time? Or it happens randomly at night? Did you watch TV at daytime? I'm wondering if the issue also occurred at daytime, but you were not aware of it because you didn't watch TV at that time?
What is the WAN connect type on the AX11000 at the moment? Is it possible to change and configure the Orange modem router into bridge mode, then configure the AX11000 as the main router to see if the issue persists?
BTW, we have reported the issue to the support engineers, they will likely reach out to you via email to continue to troubleshoot your issue.
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Kevin_Z wrote
Just to verify again, did the issue happen every night at the same time? Or it happens randomly at night? Did you watch TV at daytime? I'm wondering if the issue also occurred at daytime, but you were not aware of it because you didn't watch TV at that time?
What is the WAN connect type on the AX11000 at the moment? Is it possible to change and configure the Orange modem router into bridge mode, then configure the AX11000 as the main router to see if the issue persists?
BTW, we have reported the issue to the support engineers, they will likely reach out to you via email to continue to troubleshoot your issue.
Not every day, not every same time. It's randomly when I've know they request to restart channels permissions. I think it's not possible to know when they request to reset permissions of channels, but I think it's night to avoid this cases at daytime.
Orange router which is FunBox 6, it's cannot be done due to it's one huge problem - it cannot be entered into bridge mode.
My structure looks like this:
Light -> ONT (Huawei) -> AX11000 (or FunBox 6) -> Cable -> Decoder.
Within FunBox 6 I don't need cable, but it's not a problem.
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Got it. The support engineer will contact you via email to follow up your case and try to fix it.
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Please update a solution here if this gets fixed with the help with the support engineers, which will help those who may get into the same situation as you.
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