Any VDSL2+ router where is possible configure whitelist on proxy or maybe install OpenWRT?
i am searching for any VDSL2+ WiFi router where is possible limit access only to specific websites. But i cannot found any informations about it. I don't know if original firmware contains HTTP/HTTPS Proxy or not.
DNS blocking is not solution, can be easily bypassed.
Blocking IP on firewall is not usable, because IP addresses may change and it is too complicated to set up for users.
I really need HTTP Proxy where i can specify short list of URLs.
So if original firmware allows limit access only to selected websites, can you please recommend TP-Link router which i can buy?
I have some experience with several TP-Link routers, but HTTP proxy wasn't installed on any of them (wasn't part of original firmware).
Or alternatively - is still possible install OpenWRT or TP-Link actively blocks it?
I don't want any support for OpenWRT (so less from TP-Link). I am aware there cannot be any warranty. I just remember it was blocked around year 2016 because some FCC directives for WiFi. So TP-Link started to check if update is original or not. Is it still like that? I don't want change WiFi power, i just need HTTP proxy.