Can you recommend VDSL2 router which can limit access only listed websites?
for specific reason i need router, where i can specify whitelist and set only several websites where user will be allowed to access. I need easy access for WiFi users, but i need secure network where these user cannot do anything malicious.
Can you recommend me any TP-Link router please? I preffer VDSL router, but any other router can be considered.
I would like use something similar to TP-Link Archer VR2100 , but i am not sure if it will be possible to configure. I am not sure if original TP-Link firmware have some options for restrictions i need.
If not, is there still possibility reinstall original firmware with OpenWRT? I had pretty good experience with OpenWRT on old TP-WR1043ND but i read somewhere TP-Link is blocking alternative firmwares. Is it true?
Thanks for any answer