Ver low bandwidth from Deco M4 1
Ver low bandwidth from Deco M4 1
I have the following setup:
- Thomson Modem from Ziggo (Netherlands);
- I have swithched off the 2.4 and 5Ghz bands on the modem;
- I installed #1 directly connected to the modem;
- I installed #2 and #3 wireless for upper floors;
- I configured it as an Access Point.
Close to #1 - almost no bandwith (5-10Mbps);
Close to #2 (first floor) - 10-25Mbps bandwith;
Close to #3 - no bandwith.
When installing, I had the 2.4/5Ghz signals not switched off.
Can I do an entire new install and try again?
What can be wrong?