TP-Link Archer T4U v3 AC1300 Wireless Wi-Fi driver for Windows 10, 5GHz band detection issues
TP-Link Archer T4U v3 AC1300 Wireless Wi-Fi driver for Windows 10, 5GHz band detection issues
TP-Link Archer T4U v3 AC1300 Wireless Wi-Fi driver for Windows 10 Pro, version 2004, WiFi 5GHz band detection issues.
Things that didn't work,
- The default Windows 10 drivers - the TP-Link Wireless MU-MIMO USB Adapter
- Drivers from the TP-Link Website - (Disappointed, since there are no '.inf' files there)
- Since its build on the Realtek RTL8812BU chipset, I have tried the official drivers from their site with no avail -
Any other recommendations?