Help needed - Archer A10 with TPG Fixed Wireless NBN configuration issue
I have not been able to succesfully connect the A10 to the internet, if anyone has any ideas or experience with the same router and ISP would be greatly appreciated. I have contacted both TPG and TP-Link with not much luck, and I am still unsure after speaking with both parties and searching knowledge bases like this one, if my A10 is compatable? I have configured the user name and pw, ISP is PPPoE and Auth to PAP, thats as far as TPG were willing to assist. Cable connection is from the NBN box to the A10's internet terminal, all indicator leds are on and internet light is showing orange. I have used the web based utilty and Tether app to try and configure and changed a few setting, trying to mirror the old Huawei HG658 settings, however I have limited knowledge on these devices and could do with some assistance please ............... Thanks in advance, cheers Mark