Archer A9 AC1900 V6 - MU-MIMO question
Archer A9 AC1900 V6 - MU-MIMO question
Hi all,
I bought an Archer A9 AC1900 hardware version 6 and I have the following question
When I have both 2.4 and 5 GHz netwroks separately enabled, I can enable the MU-MIMO on the 5GHz, but when I switch to SmartConnect, the options for MU-MIMO is gone.
I understand, that this is because 2.4GHz does not have MU-MIMO, but my questions are those:
- is beamforming always enabled, since I cannot find an option to disable/enable it ?
- is MU-MIMO enabled by default when I am in SmartConnect mode and device is on connected to the 5GHz band or if not - how to enable it in the smartconnect mode (I came across an explanation that if you want it in smartconnect, you must first enable it on the 5GHz band and then enable the SmartConnect and it will stay ON. I've tried but when I disable the SmartConnect after that I can see that the MU-MIMO in the 5GHz band settings is off so that confuses me)
I will be very glad to receive answers of those as they are not described anywhere!