Block unknown devices on Deco M9 - user changes MAC address to fool parental controls

Block unknown devices on Deco M9 - user changes MAC address to fool parental controls

134 Reply
Re:Block unknown devices on Deco M9 - user changes MAC address to fool parental controls
2022-09-06 21:21:16



Go and get your money back. This very thread has been running for over three years. TP-Link have had this issue pointed out to them more times than I've had hot dinners and they've chosen not to do anything about it.


Every now and then some TP-Link staffer pops up and says "we have taken note of your concerns" and "the issue has been raised with the developers", but they do nothing and they will continue to do nothing.


Re:Block unknown devices on Deco M9 - user changes MAC address to fool parental controls
2022-09-10 16:23:55

I've sold my 3 deco m9's and bought the Asus ZenWiFi AX6600 (2x XT8). 

A bit harder to configure (still not that hard), but a ton of extra options and about 300% more coverage with only 2 units. 

Pricy, but was worth it. 


Oh and it has the option to maintain a whitelist or blacklist per wifi network, so happy camper here 😉

Re:Block unknown devices on Deco M9 - user changes MAC address to fool parental controls
2022-12-18 23:38:56

  Hi @Laggetjeuh 

So with this new router you now have to find MAC address for all devices and then to allow list?

That seems very tedious. 

I am assuming something more efficient here?

Re:Block unknown devices on Deco M9 - user changes MAC address to fool parental controls
2022-12-18 23:40:35

Hi  @Serpenio 

Please explain how this works with new router.

Hopefully you are not having to find mac addresses for all devices on network and adding them to allow list?

Re:Block unknown devices on Deco M9 - user changes MAC address to fool parental controls
2022-12-19 14:43:35



It;s not tedious at all.  It's just good network security.


I have several networks at home and a very creative teenage boy (non-techie but can search Google) who tests my network and sometimes my patience.   ;)


The functionality in both my Gryphon and Netgear routers is like this:

1. New device (by mac address) is disabled by default and a notification sent to me

2. I can simply approve the new device and I'm done, right from the notification

3. If I don't recognize the device I can leave it disabled or allow it with restrictions, including additional notification


That way, no one is able to use my network without my knowledge and permission with minimal overhead.


This is not possible with TP-link, which is why I consider their products of poor network security design.


I mean do you really want the 14 year old next door (best case) sexting with his 13 year old girlfriend and you get all your electronics confiscated while the authorities investigate you for solicitation and distribution of child p*rn*graphy?  Same for any young friends who stop by and use your network.


This danger is no joke, I speak from experience with the local sheriffs' department when they investigated my pre-18 year old son for sexting.  It is child p*rn by definition, in most states and in the US Federal law.

[Troubleshooting] Block unknown devices on Deco M9
2023-01-15 17:08:52


Just like all the other customers who've asked for the white list feature "over the years". I'm also requesting this feature, with the reasons already listed by countless other customers.


Is there any update on this feature requests?


As currently the parental controls are pointless on your routers products. As they can be disabled by a child at any point, which should make ever customer wonder how secure your product really are.

[Troubleshooting] Block unknown devices on Deco M9
2023-01-15 17:15:25



If you've only just bought it - return it for a refund. Otherwise - sell it and get something that works properly. TP Link clearly couldn't care less about this problem.


Don't forget to leave a review on the website where you purchased it warning future potential purchasers to buy another brand.

Re:Block unknown devices on Deco M9 - user changes MAC address to fool parental controls
2023-01-24 09:58:03



One year on and no fix?? When you stated the following (on page 7) it appeared there might be some progress (or caring) ...


"Compared with Whitelist, "block new devices" or "adding new devices to a profile and you could set up priority for it" sounds a good idea and I will note it down and forwarded it to the senior engineers later."


Do the Engineers care?


If nothing else, Please give us something one of the above, or all these DECO devices Parenting Controls are useless against this Private Address issue which is now used by many new devices by default !

Re:Block unknown devices on Deco M9 - user changes MAC address to fool parental controls
2023-02-08 22:20:06

Another ask here. It's a big and obvious gap. I want to have the option to whitelist devices by MAC. Any new devices should be blocked until reviewed.

Without this the Family Member profiles are all but useless. MAC spoofing/anonymisation is trivial on Apple devices and sidesteps any policies.


[Troubleshooting] Block unknown devices on Deco M9
2023-02-12 07:19:25

  @TP-Link I have DecoX50. Whitelist would be great feature. New private mac address is strong tool how to hack wifi paremtal control. Thank you Kind regards Antonin

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