where can I find user manual for TP-Link Archer C2 AC900?
This product line is very confusing. I am struggling to find the user manual. Some vendors have the Archer C2 AC750, others Archer C20 AC750 or Archer C2 AC900, sometimes with 2 antennas sometimes with 3. They all have the same housing and features with subtle differences.
The C2 AC750 is not even listed on your website: https://www.tp-link.com/us/search/?q=ac750&t=product&s=
You don't seem to have the C2 AC900 either... there's a C900 AC900, however. https://www.tp-link.com/us/search/?q=Archer+C900&t=product&s=MODEL
Is there a site for european market?
Anyone knows where to find the user manual for the TP-Link Archer C2 AC900?
Thank you