Archer VR600 issues
Archer VR600 issues
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So i went with this router as i had enough of the limitations on my ISP router (BT home hub 6) but,i have noticed that when downloading anything it does not share the connection very well at all
For instance on my old BT homehub if i was downloading a 50GB game from Origin it would also let me watch Twitch , i could just limit the bandwidth on origin to say 40Mbps leaving me 10Mbps over and would be able to watch Twitch perfectly fine
That is not happening on this new router, i have limited Origin to 40Mbps but it wont let me watch Twitch,well it will but its constantly buffering, i have noticed this on my of my Game clients when their performing updates,while this is happening i cannot do anything else at all which was never the case on my old BT router
Could have a game updating in background and i could be watching YouTube or Twitch or whatever while it was happening , this router does not seem to share the Bandwidth very well at all unless i have not got the settings correct
Anyone got any ideas ?
As i said i am using BT internet
Maybe someone could share their BT internet settings and i can compare mine with theirs and see if i have gone wrong somewhere,its so frustrating having effectively no internet while a game downloads in background
Hardware Version :
Firmware Version :
So i went with this router as i had enough of the limitations on my ISP router (BT home hub 6) but,i have noticed that when downloading anything it does not share the connection very well at all
For instance on my old BT homehub if i was downloading a 50GB game from Origin it would also let me watch Twitch , i could just limit the bandwidth on origin to say 40Mbps leaving me 10Mbps over and would be able to watch Twitch perfectly fine
That is not happening on this new router, i have limited Origin to 40Mbps but it wont let me watch Twitch,well it will but its constantly buffering, i have noticed this on my of my Game clients when their performing updates,while this is happening i cannot do anything else at all which was never the case on my old BT router
Could have a game updating in background and i could be watching YouTube or Twitch or whatever while it was happening , this router does not seem to share the Bandwidth very well at all unless i have not got the settings correct
Anyone got any ideas ?
As i said i am using BT internet
Maybe someone could share their BT internet settings and i can compare mine with theirs and see if i have gone wrong somewhere,its so frustrating having effectively no internet while a game downloads in background