WiFi roaming on tl-wpa4220
WiFi roaming on tl-wpa4220
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Hi this is my first post, my knowledge if tech issue will make it NOT my last.
I have just installed a TL-WPA4220 kit and a single adapter.
When I turn on my wifi I now see three networks in my home, as well as the neighbours networks.
The original network from my router and the new two from my adapters.
If I change the SSID and passwords on the adapters to the same as the router I will still see three networks albeit all the same name.
My questions:
When I first bring up my wifi logon page is the strongest network the first in the list.? Do the visible networks go from strongest to weakest down the list of visible networks? Once logged in to a network moving my iPad or iPhone from room to room will the iPad pick up the strongest network and change to the strongest network automatically as I move around the house?
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Hi this is my first post, my knowledge if tech issue will make it NOT my last.
I have just installed a TL-WPA4220 kit and a single adapter.
When I turn on my wifi I now see three networks in my home, as well as the neighbours networks.
The original network from my router and the new two from my adapters.
If I change the SSID and passwords on the adapters to the same as the router I will still see three networks albeit all the same name.
My questions:
When I first bring up my wifi logon page is the strongest network the first in the list.? Do the visible networks go from strongest to weakest down the list of visible networks? Once logged in to a network moving my iPad or iPhone from room to room will the iPad pick up the strongest network and change to the strongest network automatically as I move around the house?