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Forums/ Range Extenders
3 hours ago
Re:Monitor extender remote
@billyblixt Hi, Do you need to be automatically notified as soon as the RE305 goes down or do you just want to be able to check manually? TP-Link's products (at least the ones for home use) do not...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
14 hours ago
Re:Archer BE800 second hand with wrong power supply
@Wilow Hi, Here is a link to a website that did a review of the Archer BE800. Among the photos they share is one of the power supply. To me it looks exactly like the one on the photo you posted, but...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
Re:Link to Tether
@Zaesen Hi, Does Tether at least show your router in the "My Devices" list? If it doesn't, then make sure your smartphone or tablet is indeed directly connected to the main network of your router....
Forums/ Adapters
Re:Ubuntu 24.10 driver for UE330 (UN) v4 on Linux kernel 6.11.0-18-generic
@cataluna84 If the Linux kernel comes with its own in-kernel driver for a particular device (i.e. the AX88179), but you want to use another out-of-kernel (external) driver instead, then the in-kernel...
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
Re:Not sure if this is a DblNAT issue or?
@Fader187 Ok. If you use the VR400 as a router and the BRUME2 as a router as well, then of course there will be a double NAT. What you could try is to utilize the "DMZ" feature of the VR400. To do...
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
Re:Not sure if this is a DblNAT issue or?
@Fader187 Hi, Just to confirm some basics. You have set the "Internet Connection Type" of the Archer VR400 to "Bridge" and on the BRUME2 you have configured a PPPoE connection with the authentication...