Wi-Fi Routers
2024-08-17 18:33:51
Extend Wi-fi
Hoping to get some help. We want to be able to set up wireless security camera's on the house and our shop. Our home is 65 feet long with the internet coming into the house on the west end. The shop i
Wi-Fi Routers
2024-08-06 19:20:35
ethernet wont connect
hello, i just upgraded to the AXE5400 aka the Archer AXE75 for my family and completed all the steps for setting up the internet. the one issue that still remains is the ethernet. my wifi is terrific
Wi-Fi Routers
2024-08-06 00:56:16
Cox Panoramic Modem and TP-Link WiFi - performance degradation over time
We recently replaced our old Cox modem (which worked extremely well with our TP-Link) with a Cox Panoramic modem. Our TP-Link connects without issue, but over the course of a few hours, we note the do
Wi-Fi Routers
2024-08-06 02:32:15
Archer C4000 router is broadcasting it's own SSID even though I have a different name setup
The router has been working fine for 2+ years. My 2.4Ghz SSID is "abc" and my 5Ghz ssid is "abcD". I had a power outage and suddenly I couldn't connect to Wifi anymore. So I turned off the router, and
Wi-Fi Routers
2024-08-04 05:23:55
Erroneous information being generated by the Tether app and Router
I have a Windows 11 desktop PC connected to this router via the game port (LAN). I have the Tether app on my mobile phone and I get constant updates telling me that my XBOX Game Console is boosted. I
Wi-Fi Routers
2024-07-30 16:25:31
AXE75 WAN port no longer works
Suddenly the WAN port on my Router no longer works. This ethernet cable goes to my modem and if I plug that into my laptop instead (laptop to modem), laptop can access internet normally, through the m