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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By Grsthegreat Tuesday

Adding an exterior mesh to my system

I have successfully connected my ax55 wifi router to my new RE550 mesh extender via the easy mesh system. I was wondering if it possible to add an exterior mesh extender to this system? I do t think a
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By sobitthen Tuesday

BE3600 Dedicated 2.4g network creation

I did not pull from wall to notate hardware version, it was updated to latest firmware before use. My question is, how do I create a 2.4g only network so I can connect LAView cameras that require a 2.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By TimTe Tuesday

wifi range much shorter after power outage

After a power outage, my AC4000 came back up with about 10 feet of range for the WiFi. I've tried rebooting it several times, changing the transmit power, turning the wireless radio off and on, etc. a
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By DigitalMan Monday

Archer BE800 Intermittently Dropping Internet

I just bought an Archer BE800. I love the features and speed when it works, but I've been fighting issues every day trying to get basic things to work. It is connected to a Motorola MB8611 cable modem
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By Stollo770 Saturday

VPN Client Access To LAN

Hello All, I have a TP-Link router running at a family members home, on that network are a few IP cameras. I want to be able to connect the cameras to an NVR at my home, also running a TP-Link router,
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By HomeAdmin777 Saturday

Content Filtering at Router Level (i.e. Adult websites)

Content Filtering at Router Level (i.e. Adult websites) I could not find a recent thread that indicated I can filter categories (for example Adult website) at the router level for all devices. I have