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Forums/ Deco
14 hours ago
Re:ISP says deco is repeatedly Releasing IP and requesting a new IP
@Brian2700 Generally speaking a IP (WAN IP) lease lasts for 24 hours. This IP, assigned by the ISP during the handshake with the service is bound to the MAC addres of the router or the device that...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
14 hours ago
Re:Create a mesh network with BE800 WiFi router and EAP 660HD AP
@JimHua That does make sense. You may also want to look at Wi-Fi 7 Deco models. These product would do what you are trying to acomplish with the combined Archer and Omada deployment. Thats not to say...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
Re:Create a mesh network with BE800 WiFi router and EAP 660HD AP
@JimHua My understanding is that our Omada products require the controller to use Mesh connectivity. Archer products cannot be added to the Omada Controller so they would not be part of that Mesh...
Forums/ Deco
Re:ISP says deco is repeatedly Releasing IP and requesting a new IP
@Brian2700 The Deco can't release the IP address, that is handled from service level at the ISP. It could be that the ethernet between the modem and router has a short and is not keeping the...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
Re:Create a mesh network with BE800 WiFi router and EAP 660HD AP
@JimHua Dvair is correct the Mesh that Omada wireless APs can create is not compatible with Deco Mesh or EasyMesh routers like the BE800.
Forums/ Deco
Re:How do I turn of QoS on Deco X20?
@Adamnorth88 It may be different, depending on the FW version loaded, but the process should be More > QOS > Turn Off (red text button). If you do not see this button please share the FW vresion and...