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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By grace1122 Yesterday

I can't register

I can't register as wifi extender. And why I can't access the ip or this?
Forums/ Range Extenders
By PrasannaBJN Friday

How to Reset my router and reconfigure

I want to know how to reset my extender again as it wa connected earlier to other internet provider. Now i have new Internet provider and want to connect the extender yo New provider. I tried the step
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
By zageng Friday

archer vr400 v2 5g band is not showing and disconnects repeatedly

I have surfed the web and found out that there is an issue with the tplink 5gh band in some routers and wifi routers, maybe mine could be one could anyone help me solve this issue I have tried all fir
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
By Gamool Friday

Latest firmware for Archer VR600(EU) Ver:3.0

Hello TP-LINK team, I would appreciate if anyone can provide me with the latest firmware file for my router. Thank you,
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By RafP Yesterday

Mikrotik Outdoor antenna for Archer MR600 v3

Hi everyone, hope someone can help me. I bought a Mikrotik antenna (MikroTik - MANT 15S - MTAS-5G-15D120) for my Archer MR600v3. I connected the router to the antenna with two 10 meter SMA cables but
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By Banjopatty Yesterday

Adding a Second Router

Hey community, I currently have a AX20 in the living room, and have a bad wifi area at the other end of the house. I was thinking of putting that router in the deadzone as an access point, and getting