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Forums/ WiFi
By CoffeeAndTech Sunday

EAP670 2.4Ghz Devices Drop Connection After Time

I have 4 EAP670 located on each level of my house. They are broadcasting an IoT network that is using 2.4g and 5g. I've noticed over a period of time (usually a day or so), some of my 2.5g IoT devices
Forums/ WiFi
By mackworth 2024-04-08 15:40:05

EAP-650 1.0.13 firmware randomly dropping 2.4Ghz client after some time.

I have two EAP650s running the latest 1.0.13 firmware. I have been experiencing an issue with both units where after some random period of time, my 2.4Ghz clients (mostly IOT type stuff) stop working.
Forums/ Routers
By CoffeeAndTech 2 weeks ago

Loopback or Hairpin NAT

I'm not a networking expert but I am learning. I have an OC200 managing an ER7206 router. I have OpenVPN running and would like to be able to stay connected to the VPN on my devices while on my home W
Forums/ Routers
By CoffeeAndTech 3 weeks ago

DHCP IP Address Conflicts on Reboot

I recently upgraded from an ER605 v2 to ER7206 v 2.26. I removed the ER605 and adopted the ER7206. Router is setup with a (default) and (IoT network) interfaces. DHCP ass