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Forums/ Routers
By PinPale 3 weeks ago

How to open specific port to all on LAN or WAN. Just like port 80 etc

Hi! I bought some WiFi fire alarms but some ports need to be open for them to work. Send larm to my phone etc. I cant see them on my network but added them was no problem.. (I cant see them because th
Forums/ WiFi
By PinPale 2024-08-07 17:50:20

Where do I buy EAP 670 Outdoor?

Hi! Do anyone know where to but the EAP 670 outdoor AP?
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By PinPale 2024-03-19 23:22:35

animated wifi speed from Omada client

How about a visual animated wifi speed from the clents? Who upload/download the most etc?
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By PinPale 2024-03-19 23:17:48

Implement VIGI Series in Omada

Hi! how about implement VIGI products in the Omada SDN? For example.. Selecting the Omada Client VIGI product Cams and edit it? mini online cam window? Selecting the VIGI NVR and redirect to edit it?