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Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
By Stushouse a week ago

Cannot connect to internet

Hi, I have an issue with my router, it is the second one that has done this, the first I just threw in the bin but I can't keep buying more each time the power goes off, basically it has been working

Getting EasyMesh working on Zyxel EX3300-T0 with TP-Link Archer NX200 as a gateway

Hello all, I recently bought a TP-Link Archer NX200 to replace my ageing 4G LTE wireless router. I found EasyMesh technology and would like to use it with the Zyxel EX3300-T0 wireless router, as the l
Forums/ Deco
By Smiler57 a week ago

Extending power cord of Deco X10

Can any advise please as to a suitable extension cord compatible with the TP-Link Deco X10 AX1500? The lead associated with the power unit is nowhere near long enough for normal use!
Forums/ Deco
By Gomi a week ago

Deco network slow and unstable because two nodes think they have ethernet backbone

My 3-node Deco network has worked just fine, but recently I added another old wifi-speaker to one of my nodes by Ethernet because the old speakers won't work on combined frequency networks. Now my Dec
Forums/ Deco
By David-TP a week ago

Deco M5 Newly Introduced Advanced Parental Control Features

This Article Applied to: Deco M5_V1/V2/V3/V3.2 Dear Deco M5 Users, With the adjustment of product strategies, Archer GX90 and Deco M5 will update from HomeCare Protection to an enhanced version of Par
Forums/ DSL Modem Routers
By ZdenekD a week ago

Address Reservation not working

If I set a specific IPv4 for a specific MAC, DHCP will assign a completely different address from the DHCP range anyway. In addition, this device is not even visible in the overview. Neither the refre