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Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
Re:D230S1 - No motion detection at all
@Stuey1234 Hi Wayne, I am sending it back to the vendor tomorrow. I'll post an update once I have the replacement. I've been messing around with it off and on trying all sorts of things until today...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
a week ago
Re:D230S1 - No motion detection at all
So it looks like I haven't missed anything. I'll send it back and try another brand, as this motion detection problem seems to pop up on here a fair bit.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
a week ago
D230S1 - No motion detection at all
Hi all, I just acquired the above doorbell camera along with an H200 Hub, into which I have inserted a new Sandisk 64GB MicroSD Card, duly formatted. I have set everything up and installed the...