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Forums/ Tapo Robot Vacuum
2025-02-10 12:54:46
Re:Tapo RV30 Max Plus and Black & Red Carpet
Issue seems to be resolved after the Beta update. (Marked the room as room carpet so it ignores the cliff sensor in the beta when on carpet.)
Forums/ Tapo Robot Vacuum
2025-02-10 09:19:36
TAPO RV30 Max Plus Hopping / Jumping on Flat Surfaces
Hi everyone, I’ve noticed that my TAPO RV30 Max Plus occasionally makes small hops or jerks while moving on a flat surface. When it happens, it tends to occur repeatedly several times in a row, then...
Forums/ Tapo Robot Vacuum
2025-02-07 10:17:41
Re:Tapo RV30 Max Plus and Black & Red Carpet
@Wayne-TP Sending you the MAC address - thanks
Forums/ Tapo Robot Vacuum
2025-02-05 21:09:23
Tapo RV30 Max Plus and Black & Red Carpet
Hi, I have just baught a Tapo RV30 Max Plus and to be honest I am very disappointed. It cannot clean my black/red carpet just making weird moves on it. I had to draw a no go zone on the carpet. I am...