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Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
20 hours ago
Re:Notifications from camera in "Away Mode" device list while in "Home Mode"
@Solla-topee Initially, I thought that there were 3 modes: Default/Home/Away. When a camera is in the Home or Away Device list, the notification/Detection/Alarm setting is set to the programmed setup...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
Re:Notifications from camera in "Away Mode" device list while in "Home Mode"
@leepan8 Note to self: All the cameras must be in both list. Notification/Detection/Alarm (NDA) settings must be set appropriately depending on expected behavior in the mode (Home/Away). If a camera...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
Notifications from camera in "Away Mode" device list while in "Home Mode"
Hi, I have two cameras Cam1 and Cam2. Cam1 and Cam 2 are in "Away Mode" device list and only Cam1 is in "Home Mode" device list. When in Home mode, I get the notifications from Cam2 as well. Am I...