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Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2025-01-20 17:23:53
Re:C100 -> home assistant issues
Re:C100 -> home assistant issues Search for "How to add a TP-link Tapo camera to homeassistant", the domain is cri dev. I have a C200 and it works for me. Its not oficial but its ok. Right I followed...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2025-01-20 11:09:00
Re:C100 -> home assistant issues
@Solla-topee 1: yes I can connect from the app to the camera using the new password 2: yes the IP I gave is correct, as seen by Home Assistant, the App and also Advanced IP Scanner, yes I can ping...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2025-01-17 12:35:23
C100 -> home assistant issues
I have the Home assistant TP-link smart home intergration plugged in, it finds and authenticates my lightbulb fine, but my c100 throws this error "(Device IP) replied with status 500 after handshake,...