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Forums/ Tapo Smart Switch
2024-12-29 21:57:04
Re:S210 in button mode
Is it possible to use the Tapo S210 in button mode? To turn on only for 10 seconds after pressing and then turns itself off. I want to use it as a staircase light switch.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Switch
2024-10-17 22:17:43
Re:S210 in button mode
@Doodik I've already managed to set it up via smart actions by creating a link, but it only works on the mobile app. I would also need to put the hardware switch in push button mode.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Switch
2024-10-17 21:54:15
S210 in button mode
Is it possible to use the Tapo S210 in button mode? To turn on only for 1 second after pressing and then turn off by itself. I want to use it instead of the old button to open the gate.
Forums/ Feature Requests
2023-07-22 06:17:07
Outdoor temperature sensor
Is there an outdoor temperature sensor? Can I place the T310 outside? What protection (IP??) does the T310 have?