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Forums/ Range Extenders
2023-12-05 23:14:41
RE450 Wireless Backhaul
Hi, I'm looking to upgrade my mother-inlaws current wireless network with an RE450 and an Archer 55 Pro that I have that are no longer needed now that I've moved my network across to Omada based...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-11-21 04:47:57
What logs are full
Hi All, I get the following in my OC200 controller log alerts: The Number of logs is up to the limit. I've tried everywhere to see what logs it is talking about, but there are none that I can see....
Forums/ Routers
2023-11-13 21:32:44
Re:Reset bandwidth for ISP Load
Found it. For those who might have the same question, it's located on the Dashboard behind a drop down arrow on the right side.
Forums/ Routers
2023-11-13 05:32:51
Reset bandwidth for ISP Load
Hi All. For the life of me, I cannot remember where to set the bandwidth for the ISP Load setting! My ISP has upgraded my connection to 1000mbps/50mbps, so I need to change the settings so it more...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-10-17 07:20:20
Re:Logs failed to send
@Hank21 Hi Hank. I did not take note of the previous firmware, however it was whatever was the latest version for a V2 OC200. I can confirm that the logs were sending successfully prior to the...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-10-16 09:54:07
Re:Logs failed to send
@Hank21 Hi Hank. I'm sorry, I don't remember how long after the upgrade it started to fail. I have tried the test email and did not receive it. I have tried Google, Outlook & iCloud and all fail. All...