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Forums/ Controllers
2023-04-18 17:27:22
Re:OC200 (Beta) : wan failure after update
@crrodriguez So if a new In-Private browser window or deleting browser's cache or using an entirely different browser doesn't help we can at least exclude an existing UI problem. I was asking as this...
Forums/ Routers
2023-04-18 15:53:12
Re:TPLINK ER605 opening issue
@meghsupport First of all, do not post any person's names or phone numbers in this forum. Not of TP-Link staff nor of yourself. Next, always upgrade to the latest available stable software first...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-04-18 15:45:50
Re:OC200 (Beta) : wan failure after update
@crrodriguez New In-Private browser window does not solve the issue? Still the same there?
Forums/ Controllers
2023-04-17 12:22:02
Re:SDN Hardware Controller upgrade (no Windows)
@giopas Upgrades will work. First, log into your controller (local IP!) and go to devices page, from there you should be able to upgrade your router to latest stable version. Once this is done, the...
Forums/ Controllers
2023-04-17 09:24:25
Re:SDN Hardware Controller upgrade (no Windows)
@giopas NEVER perform any upgrades when being connected via TP-Link Cloud. ALWAYS connect to local IP's and then do the desired upgrade. There have been many reports in the past that devices might...
Forums/ Routers
2023-04-16 15:57:15
Re:Can't change time on router
@KACJR Dude, the firmware you're using on your ER7206 is 2 years old, you need to definitely upgrade your device before troubleshooting issues like this. On the current firmware, there is no issue...