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Forums/ Routers
2021-10-25 12:35:26
Re:ER605 1:1 NAT is not working
@earlyswap No i never solved this issue. I haven't found any help from anyone here (not saying people here are unhelpful) or anywhere else. Unless I get any new information I'm just going to go with...
Forums/ Routers
2021-10-21 13:58:44
Re:ER605 1:1 NAT is not working
@Yannie Thanks for the reply. I do have multiple static IPs to choose from. I have the WAN set to static. I have everything setup just like in the faq and the other instructions. I still can't get...
Forums/ Routers
2021-10-20 16:09:39
ER605 1:1 NAT is not working
Hello, I am struggling pretty hard here trying to get my 1:1 NAT to work. I'm wondering if i'm missing something because the setup seems fairly straightforward and simple. What isn't working is I...