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Forums/ Range Extenders
Re:Monitor extender remote
@woozle Thanks for helping me in a clear and useful way. I've implemented cloud for the extender now and lo and behold I can access it remotely. My original idea that I couldn't get to work, was to...
Forums/ Range Extenders
Monitor extender remote
I need to know if and when my extender goes down. I only know how to do this when I am on my home wireless network. But I need to be able to do this remotely, when I am far away from home. All...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2020-11-20 12:07:24
RE200 AC750 can't access extenders network
Just purchased a new RE200 here in Sweden. Out of the box, plugged it in to 220 volts and got it going using the WPS method. Found its wireless signal on my smartphone and tried to attach. Now comes...