Tapo robot vacuum suddenly jumps/bounces during cleaning

Tapo robot vacuum suddenly jumps/bounces during cleaning

Tapo robot vacuum suddenly jumps/bounces during cleaning
Tapo robot vacuum suddenly jumps/bounces during cleaning
18 hours ago - last edited 16 hours ago
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This Article Applies To

Tapo RV20 Max

Tapo RV20 Max Plus

Tapo RV30 Max

Tapo RV30 Max Plus




If there are significant gaps or uneven surfaces between the floor panels, the vacuum cleaner may experience sudden jumps when moving over these spots.


For example, when the vacuum cleaner cleans wooden floors arranged in horizontal panels while moving vertically.




1. For the wooden floor, reinforce the loose wooden planks, if any.

2. Change the cleaning direction of the robot vacuum. How to optimize and edit Map of Tapo Robot Vacuum >> Feature 5: Cleaning Direction


If there isn't significant improvement after changing the cleaning direction, please get in touch with the local TP-Link support team for further assistance, device maintenance or a part replacement might be required.






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