A very annoying problem and a feature request

A very annoying problem and a feature request

A very annoying problem and a feature request
A very annoying problem and a feature request
Yesterday - last edited 23 hours ago
Model: Tapo RV30 Max Plus  
Hardware Version:
Firmware Version:

The problem

Many people have living rooms which are lower than the ground floor, but this is no problem as the TP-Link Tapo RV30 Max Plus has cliff sensors (drop protection). The problem arises when the LiDAR (Light detection and ranging) sensor sees that there is in fact space in front of it but it can't get there because of the drop, and it simply reverses and continues. But when you go to the app you see the room right there even though the robot can't go there!

The solution

There are two possible solutions for this, which both should be implemented into the app.

First one:

The first solution would be to update the app, making it possible to completely remove parts of the room (or the whole room) that we don't want to appear in the app.

Second one:

The second solution would be a little more complex and harder to implement, but it would be even more convenient for the user as they wouldn't have to remove parts of the rooms that the robot can't get to manually. And the solution would be:

When the robot vacumm detects that there is a drop in front of it (or a place it can't get to) that was scanned by the LiDAR (Light detection and ranging) it will automatically delete that room (the place it can't get to).

Sounds complex but it's actually simple!


Adding this to the app would make mapping much more efficient and better. Plus it would look better! So please, include this tool in the app and add this mapping software to the robot vacumm!

2 Reply
Re:A very annoying problem and a feature request



How did you robot vacuum map the living room in the first place? Did you move it?


From my perspective, it doesn't seem like a problem because even the vacuum can't go to certain areas itself due to stairs, you can still manually move the robot vacuum to clean those areas. The robot vacuum cleaner can identify the area it is in during the self-positioning process. When the repositioning is successful, it knows that it is in the XXX room/area on the map. However, if these areas are not drawn on the map in advance, the cleaning takes a longer time.


If this does bother you, consider creating another map separately for the living room area.

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Re:A very annoying problem and a feature request
23 hours ago - last edited 22 hours ago


I don't think you understand. The robot vacumm scans the empty space in front of it, knowing that it won't get there simply because of the drop. Why make the "room" appear as part of the same floor (you can even choose room cleaning there, even though it won't get there!) if it knows very well that it can't get there? The simple solution is just to add room deletion or area deletion to the app. Once I'm home I will send you some pictures of the area so you can better understand the problem.


Edit: I won't be able to send the pictures because everytime I try to upload them the upload is failed.
