TC71 TP Link- No sound from downloaded videos in SD Card

TC71 TP Link- No sound from downloaded videos in SD Card

TC71 TP Link- No sound from downloaded videos in SD Card
TC71 TP Link- No sound from downloaded videos in SD Card
2025-01-25 15:55:55
Tags: #Sound
Model: Tapo C210  
Hardware Version: V2
Firmware Version: 1.3.14


I'm facing an issue where the videos I downloaded from the SD card have no sound at all. Sound recording is enabled, and when I view the videos on my phone through the app, they have sound.


Please help me


Thank you

1 Reply
Re:TC71 TP Link- No sound from downloaded videos in SD Card
3 weeks ago


Please confirm the following information for the reported issue.
  1. Is your model number TC71 rather than Tapo C210?
  2. Please update your Tapo app if it's not the latest one. Please try to download the SD card video on a different phone > Tapo app and check if the problem remains.
  3. Please check if the downloaded video has sound on the Tapo app > camera's Live View > Playback & Download > Download page.
Best Regards
