Tapo C210 Error, not working or reseting
Tapo C210 Error, not working or reseting
Tengo un problema con mi nueva camara que compre por medio de Amazon, la conecte y todo bien funcionaba como era de esperarse pero mientras se actualizaba se desconecto de la fuente de poder y al volverla a conectar no volvió a funcionar.
Puede esto resolverse o debo devolver mi camara?
Asi esta las luz LED de mi camara, y no logro resetearla a su estado original para hacer la configuración de nuevo
I have a problem with my new camera that I bought through Amazon, I connected it, and everything worked as expected but while it was updating, it disconnected from the power source, and when I reconnected it, it did not work again. Could I resolve this, or do I need to return my camera? This is how the lights of my camera are, and I can't reset it to its original state to do the configuration again.