Rv30 ignores "do not disturb" and homebase tries to empty him while he is doing its work
received my RV30 max plus yesterday and set it up. First 2-3 cleans was flawless.
Tonight at 3:30am he thought he should clean again and woke up me, my wife and my daughter.
I have set the "do not disturb"-time like it was pre-installed (10pm - 8am next day). Correct location and time (berlin) is set too. Set cleaning times to 9am, 14pm and 18pm, not to 3:30am
And the second thing that bothers me alot is: the base is trying to empty the robot while it is cleaning the rooms and is not standing on the base..... Tried several things from the "emptying options" . Does'nt help......
Any advice you can give me?