Tapo Cameras not connecting to a certain router
I have 3 Tapo Cameras and two TP-Link routers
Archer VR300 and TD-W9960
The Cameras will not connect to the Archer no matter how many times I tried it keeps saying failed to obtain IP address or won't say anything at all. They connect to the TD-W9960 without issue despite both routers having the exact same settings and are at the exact same location. I reset everything hundreds of times and they're still not connecting. I just don't understand why won't they connect to my Archer?
AP isolation is off.
Access control is off.
Firewall is off.
Its on 2.4Ghz
The wireless settings are perfectly fine in WPA2 and tried both on AES and TKIP.
I tried all the wireless channels.
Cellular is off.
DNS is
Made reserved IPs for the The cameras.
I did everything.
I think the router is faulty because the cameras connect just fine to the TD-W9960 and even on my phone's hotspot.
The Archer's hardware is V2 and on the latest firmware.
Literally nothing works it doesn't make any sense.