Downloading video - using App
Hi. I am the new guy.
This question might have been asked before, but I have not found any answer.
I have installed a camera (C320) and are using the app. I have seen a video (on my mobile) that have been recorded during the night and would like to download this.
The app do have a fancy button to press that says "Download" and I receive the nice answer "Downloaded to memory". But where §#%& in the memory on my phone can I find this video? The app does not say where the i can find this video-file! There is no use in just downloading something unless you can locate it for later use!
(How could the developers of the app make a download function that does not tell the user where to find the video?)
Where can I find the downloaded video on my Android phone?
(No extra SD card on my phone)
8- )