Powerline Adapters
2024-07-23 19:17:15
Setting up wifi 7 with powerlines
At the moment, I have a BT smart hub 2 on Halo3+ adsl At some point it will be upgraded to full fibre. This signal is sent to the other end of the house by AV1200 wifi powerline. I'm looking at the be
Range Extenders
2024-07-23 17:10:45
Wifi speed
My routers max mbps is 450mbps. But my extender only goes up to 255 at its best usually like 235 or lower. So why is this?
Wi-Fi Routers
2024-07-22 18:21:59
Connect to University WiFi
So, my university uses TLS certificate that I download and install on my android phone or my Ipad to connect to the University WiFi but I have a smart home device and a TP link tapo camera which I am
Range Extenders
2024-07-22 10:30:49
RE700X, Ax55, IoT network not enhanced
Hi, Just bought a RE700X to extend my network around the house using easymesh with my AX55. Main purpose was to help my C200 camera work better. On my AX55 I enabled the IoT Network, with just the 2.4
Range Extenders
2024-07-22 15:18:10
RE705X as wireless point / extender from Access Point Archer AX73
Huawei WA8021V5 is modem router. Using this unit as modem due to this unit given by Internet Provider. Ssid: Huawei_123 Tplink Archer AX73 as main router (Connection Type: Dynamic IP from Huawei WA802
2024-07-22 07:33:07
TX55E v1.2 in Dell 7010 SFF
Hello! I would like to install TX55E PCIE card into DELL 7010 SFF, but problem is that motherboard hasn't have F_USB connection for cable that included with card. Could I use card connected only to PC