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Forums/ Routers
By pajtaz 20 hours ago

ER605 access control for IP Group does not work

Hello, Access control for IP Group does not work. I have tried all kinds of ways to block 3 specific static IP address from accessing WAN or from WAN to those IP addresses and there is no blocking bei
Forums/ Routers
By snathan Yesterday

ER605 Port Forwarding with multiple WAN IP address

Hello, I am using multiple (static) WAN IP addresses using the "WAN IP alias" option. This is working great and as expected and I can access the router via either IP. I want to be able to port forward
Forums/ Switches
By GRL Yesterday

How can i stop DHCP being served to a group of ports on one particular switch on a particular vlan?

I have need to prevent devices with a specific VLAN tag from receiving DHCP on a group of ports on one particular switch - they instead must be set as statics. I want to force this so the users must s
Forums/ Routers
By Julian2111 Thursday

7412 worse IDS/ IPS performance (router is only using 2 CPU cores not all 4)

I bought a few weeks ago the TP Link ER7412-M2 router cause I needed a better IDS/ IPS performance for my FTTH internet connection.. I noticed now when I turn it on the performance is a little bit bet
Forums/ Routers
By lkakas Thursday

TCP/IP resets and retransmissions on ER8411

Hello, Since yesterday we have an unstable internet connectivity. The router is connected to an ISP modem which is in bridge mode. The router WAN port is receiving the WAN IP with DHCP. We face with i
Forums/ Routers
By LTCTechnologies Wednesday

Port Forward

Hello, I'm writing here because i need some information, i want to know if its possible to do a port forward from a specifig IP on those model ? Or if we need to chose another router ? Or maybe its ju