Following: 6Followers: 17
Forums/ Controllers
an hour ago
Re:List of all reserved IP's on omada
@StefanSpec goto settings, services and dhcp resrvations
Forums/ Controllers
an hour ago
Re:block access to wifi clients remote site
@corkscrew22 you are probably not logged in as an administrator on the external site. check the user account and see if you are an administrator
Forums/ Controllers
a week ago
Re:DHCP fixed ip not work
@conver No problem. same config as you, ER605v2 Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : lan IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . : Default...
Forums/ Routers
a week ago
Re:Remote access and open ports
@damianstelmach Strange, is your router behind another router, have your router a public ip on ER706W wan interface? my router is contolled by omada so i cant test in stand alone. But I find a...
Forums/ Routers
a week ago
Re:Remote access and open ports
@damianstelmach Ok, do you use controller or stand alone? why 80 and 443 is open is a mystery. to get it stalth disable Block TCP Scan with RST, in controller you do that in network security and...
Forums/ Routers
a week ago
Re:Remote access and open ports
@damianstelmach I do a scan from a ER706W with this result and no open port