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Forums/ WiFi
2025-01-17 00:44:08
Re:EAP211 / EAP215 multiple bridges
@FarmNet Haven't gotten there yet, did some initial field testing with the 211s, never got the 215s tested in the field (connection issues, maybe related to what you found - i hadnt seen that yet)....
Forums/ WiFi
2024-10-10 11:07:29
Re:EAP211 / EAP215 multiple bridges
thanks - i'll order some more and give that a test.
Forums/ WiFi
2024-10-10 11:05:40
Re:EAP215 bridge pairing
you didn't read my question. I specifically asked how to configure them when there is no DHCP available - that's why I was asking about backup IPs. I was in a situation where I had set them up...
Forums/ WiFi
2024-10-09 06:08:20
EAP215 bridge pairing
Similar to somone else on the forum, I had configured an EAP211-kit in my office 5 feet apart, with only 1 unit able to see the intenet directly during setup, and did some testing on connectivity and...
Forums/ WiFi
2024-10-09 05:57:50
EAP211 / EAP215 multiple bridges
I've been playing with both the EAP211 and EAP215 kits for bridging - implementing a large-area camera system. These devices seem to have great bridge connectivity, and the controller is getting...
Forums/ Routers
2016-02-24 20:11:09
Re:R600VPN Virtual Server limit
I had other existing virtual servers set up - they work. I created these new ones, they don't. if I access the machines from the local network, they work. if I access them from the WAN, only a few...