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Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
Re:Motion Detection issue - cat as person
@C_520_320_WS Turn off Motion Detection. I had the same problem last year when I installed my cameras. I live on a property where there are a lot of wildlife and insects. Birds, cats, foxes, possums,...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
a week ago
Re:Multiple notification icons on the screen unintentionally cleared
After a number of tests, I have decided that multiple icons of detections are irrelevant now, and it is more efficient to just use one notification icon to view a detected event. You can then arrow...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
a week ago
Re:Multiple notification icons on the screen unintentionally cleared
@Solla-topee No. It does not matter what detection it is. It could be motion, person or vehicle. If you press any detection icon at the bottom, middle or top, they will all be cleared after viewing....
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
a week ago
Re:Multiple notification icons on the screen unintentionally cleared
@Solla-topee I thought it had fixed itself, because it came back to to how it use to be for a short while a few days ago. It still clears all notifications when only pressing a Person Detected icon....
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2 weeks ago
Re:Change WiFi connection
@Nereus-031_ I do not think it is possible. You need to factory reset the camera and reconfigure it to connect to the new Wi-Fi network. You can change your Wi-Fi SSID. This link my help: Factory...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2 weeks ago
Re:Motion Detection issue - cat as person
@C_520_320_WS When you go into Playback & Download, there will show Detected Events. There are 3, vertical dots on the right. Click on it and it will show Adjust Event Type. Tick Pet Detection and...